Election Information

  • Elections are held as scheduled by the Office of the Secretary of State. The Clerk of Court encourages residents of Ascension Parish to serve as Election Commissioners at the various voting precincts.Interested persons must attend one evening session to become certified as a Commissioner. Schools for new Commissioners are generally held twice a year. An Election Commissioner shall receive $200.00 for each election in which he/she serves.
  • A person interested in becoming a certified Commissioner must possess the following qualifications:

    1. Be a qualified voter of  Ascension Parish who is not entitled to assistance in voting.
    2. Not have been convicted of an election offense.
  • A person interested in becoming a Commissioner-in-Charge must posses the same qualifications as a Commissioner and also shall have successfully completed a general course of instruction for  Commissioner-in-Charge and shall have served as a  Commissioner in at least two elections during the last four years. Commissioner-in-Charge school is held once a year during the period beginning August 1st through the end of December. A Commissioner-in-Charge shall receive $250.00 for each election in which he serves.
  • If you are interested in becoming a Commissioner, contact Summer Meyers by e-mail at  Summer@ascensioncourthouse.org  or by phone at 473-9866 or 621-8400 ext. 334 with your name, address and phone number.
  • If you need information about absentee voting or voter registration, contact the Ascension Parish Registrar of Voters at  225-621-5780
  • To locate your polling location go to https://voterportal.sos.la.gov or download the mobile app GeauxVote.
  • Remaining Election dates scheduled for 2024: November 5th and December 7th.
  • Dates are subject to change by the Legislature.  Please call our office if you have a question about a particular election.



Online certification course can be accessed using the following link:


Please follow these instructions to complete the course:

1. Select "Video training" from the menu on the left.

2. After watching all 6 videos, click on the "Elections Commissioner Exam" tab at the top of the page.

3. Click on "Next" at the bottom right-hand corner and continue answering all 15 questions.

4.  After completing the test, follow the printing instructions to either print the test results screen and mail to the Clerk's Office or email a screenshot of the results to summer@ascensioncourthouse.org.  Hint:  Change paper to "landscape" before you print.  If you do not have a printer, you may save the test results as a PDF and email to Summer.

If you have any questions, please contact Summer at (225) 621-8400 or (225) 473-9866, ext. 334.